A. Inception

USHA BANGLADESH was established in 1995 by a group of young women aimed at help women and children of the poor and underprivileged section of the society in improvement of their overall socioeconomic sate.

B.   Type of Organization    

The USHA BANGLADESH is a non-profit voluntary development organization. And Its a local and project oriented implementing NGO.            

C.   Objectives 

  1. To organize the target peoples into groups to develop unity, solidarity among them and thus develop a collective strength and institutional bases so that they can ensure their individual and collective development.
  2. To develop consciousness and awareness among target people about their social system and their position in it.  
  3. To develop their self-image, self-confidences and creativity and thus make them fit for their desired changes
  4. To make literate the illiterate group members and other  illiterate males and females of    program villages
  5. To  improve  the  health  condition  of  target  peoples  through  providing them required  clinical and non-clinical health  services 
  6. To  alleviate the acute  poverty  of  the  poor and the poorest  group  members  through  supporting them  in their income-generating  activities 
  7. To  improve  the  quality of lives  of  the  disabled  peoples  especially disabled  children  through  providing them  various supports and services.
  8. To respond to the needs of the distressed peoples caused by the natural calamities 

D. Mission Statement

A large part of population of the  society   have been very much poor and underprivileged They are mostly illiterate, poor ill  health bearing, living  much below the poverty  line, the  have  no rights   and power etc which have been very much badly affecting  their lives. Their such situation should be improved.

Based on the above facts and reality USHA BANGLADESH   felt to keep efforts for changing their situation and improve the quality of their lives. And  such feeling led  the USHA BANGLADESH to initiate projects and programs like Group organization and conscious ness raising, health Literacy and Functional education, water, sanitation, environment , Credit ,Agricultural programs etc to cooperate with the target peoples in the process of development and improvement of  their  overall quality of lives.

E.  Vision

The situation of the poor and underprivileged peoples can be changed if they can be made fit for their desired changes. Every person has its own potentialities   within hi m and if such potentialities can be released they become fit for the changes. But to release such inert-like given potentialities, need some favorable environment, situation and services. And if these are ensured they will become fit for their desired changes.

F.  Goal

The ultimate goal of the organization is to bring change in the state of target peoples and thus improve the quality of their lives through providing necessary support and services.

G.  Approaches

Normally, the organization works through group approach. Organize the target peoples into groups and reach supports and services to the individual members through the group

H.  Registration on

  • Dept of  Social  Welfare               Kustia-                   199/96
  • Zuba Unnayan Adidafter             Chua                        17/2000
  • Micro credit Regulatory authority    01700-00203-00632/2012

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